Prise de notes

De wikicap


"... la PDN peut être définie comme une démarche active d’enregistrement par écrit d’informations (Simonet & Simonet, 1988)." (Romainville_Noël_2003)



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D'où vient l'efficacité de la prise de notes ?

  • "Prior research has focused on two ways in which note taking can affect learning: encoding and external storage (see DiVesta & Gray, 1972; Kiewra, 1989). The encoding hypothesis suggests that the processing that occurs during the act of note taking improves learning and retention. The external-storage hypothesis touts the benefits of the ability to review material (even from notes taken by someone else). These two theories are not incompatible; students who both take and review" (Mueller_Oppenheimer_2014)

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