Bergquist Phillips 1975

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Titre du livre

1. Références

  • Référence complète APA : Bergquist, W. H., & Phillips, S. R. (1975a). A handbook for faculty development. Washington, DC: Council for the Advancement of Small Colleges in association with the College Center of the Finger Lakes.

  • Auteur(s) :

2. Copies

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3. Mots-clés

4. Quart de couverture

5. Table des matières (facultatif)

6. Résumé personnel (facultatif)

"Bergquist_Phillips_1975 early model proposed three integrated components: personal development (attitude), instructional development (process), and organizational development (structure). They later extended this model to encompass community development, “a concern with the entire environment of an institution” (1977,p. 6) and grew their definition of faculty development overall to incorporate “issues beyond the level of individual institutions” (1977, p. 6)." (McDonald_2011 p. 18)

7. Voir aussi