ISSOTL Conference

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Fiche signalétique

  • Thème : SOTL
  • Site web : [1]
  • Structure responsable : ISSOTL
  • Périodicité : annuel
  • Lieu :
  • Date de création : 2004

Liste des éditions

ISSOTL14: "Nurturing Passion and Creativity in Teaching and Learning" in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (Oct 22-25) [2]

ISSOTL13: "Critical Transitions in Teaching and Learning" in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA (Oct 2-5)

ISSOTL12: "Research on Teaching and Learning: Integrating Practices" in Hamilton, Canada (October 24-27)

ISSOTL11: "Transforming the Academy through the Theory and Practice of SOTL" in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (October 20-23)

ISSOTL10: "Global Theories and Local Practices: Institutional, Disciplinary and Cultural Variations" in Liverpool, England, United Kingdom (October 19-22)

ISSOTL09: "Solid Foundations, Emerging Knowledge, Shared Futures" in Bloomington, Indiana, United States (October 22-25)

ISSOTL08: "Celebrating Connections: Learning, Teaching, Scholarship" in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (October 16-19)

ISSOTL07: "Locating Learning: Integrative Dimensions in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning" in Sydney, Australia (July 2-5)

ISSOTL06: "Making a Greater Difference: Connecting to Transformational Agendas" in Washington, DC, USA (November 9-12)

ISSOTL05: "Commitment, Community, and Collaboration" in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (October 14-16)

ISSOTL04: "The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Perspectives, Intersections, and Directions" in Bloomington, Indiana, USA (October 21-24)


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