Sana Weston et al 2013
Laptop multitasking hinders classroom learning for both users and nearby peers
1. Références
- Référence complète APA : Sana, F., Weston, T., & Cepedab, N. (2013). Laptop multitasking hinders classroom learning for both users and nearby peers. Computers & Education, 62, 24-31.
- Auteur(s) : Faria Sana, Tina Weston, Nicholas Cepedab
- Revue : Computers & Education
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3. Mots-clés
4. Abstract
Laptops are commonplace in university classrooms. In light of cognitive psychology theory on costs associated with multitasking, we examined the effects of in-class laptop use on student learning in a simulated classroom. We found that participants who multitasked on a laptop during a lecture scored lower on a test compared to those who did not multitask, and participants who were in direct view of a multitasking peer scored lower on a test compared to those who were not. The results demonstrate that multitasking on a laptop poses a significant distraction to both users and fellow students and can be detrimental to comprehension of lecture content.
5. Résumé (facultatif)