Shank 2011
The Online Learning Idea Book, Volume 2
1. Références
- Référence complète APA : Shank, Patti (Ed.). (2011) The Online Learning Idea Book, Volume 2: Proven Ways to Enhance Technology-Based and Blended Learning. San Francisco: Pfeiffer. 378 pages. ISBN 978-0-470-47230-9
- Auteur(s) : Patti Shank
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3. Mots-clés
4. Quart de couverture
Patti Shank, who edited Volume 1, has collected enough ideas to fill almost 400 pages: five chapters, with a total of 83 ideas that dozens of collaborators provided. An array of illustrations – 70 figures and 24 exhibits – accompanies the ideas.
The chapters organize the ideas into logical areas that make it easy for designers and developers to find solutions for those problems that come up so often in the creation of online materials. The chapters address ideas for:
- The design and development process
- Supporting learners and learning
- Synchronous and social learning
- Self-paced learning
- Media and authoring
Within each chapter, all the ideas follow a common presentation format:
- The Big Idea ◦What: A short description of the idea, enough to help you decide if it’s what you need.
- Why: A brief explanation of the value and benefits of the idea.
- Use It! ◦How: A more detailed description of the idea, its implementation, and tips for use.
- Adopt or Adapt: Ideas to help get you started adapting the idea to your situation.
5. Table des matières (facultatif)
6. Résumé personnel (facultatif)
7. Voir aussi