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- Berthiaume Rege Colet 2013 chapitre 20 - Comment fournir un feedback constructif aux étudiants ?
- Le Tableau 4 3 - La rétroaction: élément phare pour l'apprentissage de nos étudiants
- Rodet_2000 - La rétroaction, support d'apprentissage ?
- Ek_Sauvage_2017 - Comment fournir un feedback qui favorise l'apprentissage ?
- Bosc-Miné, C. (2014). Caractéristiques et fonctions des feed-back dans les apprentissages. L’Année psychologique, 114(2), 315-353. doi : 10.4074/S000350331400205X
- Boud_Molloy_2013 : Feedback in Higher and Professional Education. Londres : Routledge, 229 p.
- Chi, M.T.H., De Leeuw, N., Chiu, M.-H. et LaVancher, C. (1994). Eliciting Self-Explanations Improves Understanding. Cognitive Science, 18, 439-477.
- Hattie_2009 : Visible learning. A synthesis of over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement. New York : Routledge.
- Hattie, J. et Gan, M. (2011). Instruction Based on Feedback. Dans R.E. Mayer & P.A. Alexander (dir.), Handbook of Research on Learning and Instruction (p. 249-271). New York : Routledge.
- Hattie, J. et Timperley, H. (2007). The Power of Feedback. Review of Educational Research, 77(1), 81-112. doi : 10.3102/003465430298487
- Kluger, A.N. et DeNisi, A. (1996). The Effects of Feedback Interventions on Performance: A Historical Review, a Meta-Analysis, and a Preliminary Feedback Intervention Theory. Psychological Bulletin, 119(2), 254-284.
- Nicol, D. J. et Macfarlane-Dick, D. (2006). Formative Assessment and Self-Regulated Learning: a Model and Seven Principles of Good Feedback Practice. Studies in Higher Education, 31(2). 199-218. doi : 10.1080/03075070600572090
- Shute, V. J. (2008). Focus on Formative Feedback. Review of Educational Research, 78(1), 153-189. doi : 10.3102/0034654307313795
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