Champion Kiel et al 2010

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Choosing a Consulting Role: Principles and Dynamics of Matching Role to Situation

1. Références

  • Référence complète APA : Champion, D. P., Kiel, D. H., & McLendon, J. A. (2010). Choosing a Consulting Role: Principles and Dynamics of Matching Role to Situation. In J. Ubels, N.-A. Acquaye-Baddoo & A. Fowler (dir.), Capacity development in practice. London & Washington, DC : Earthscan.

  • Auteur(s) : [[]]
  • Livre : [[]]

2. Copies

  • Copie physique : voir l'ouvrage.

3. Mots-clés

4. Résumé officiel / abstract

Both external advisers and internal change agents can choose very different roles in capacity-development processes. Over the duration of an assignment or project, a competent adviser takes on a variety of positions in relation to different people or parts of the client system. This demands a critical awareness of types of roles and judgements about what is needed when. In their article originally published in Training and Development journal February 1990, Champion, Kiel and McLendon identify nine possible roles and suggest key factors to consider in making judgements about which consulting role to take on. Their model helps advisers, change agents or consultants to improve the clarity of expectations between themselves and their clients. The article also explores factors that consultants may consider when adjusting their role towards a particular situation or phase of a project. Though it was written 20 years ago and not specifically targeted at the development community, this text is still highly relevant and addresses questions that will be very familiar to practitioners.

5. Résumé personnel (facultatif)

Intéressant pour le schéma ci-dessous qui définit 9 rôles d'accompagnant selon 2 axes : implication dans le produit/résultat et dans le développement de la personne. Applicable au CP.

A noter qu'une traduction française du schéma est proposée par Massé 1998.